Brown and DeLoris

3 shows, 12 min. in 2—Cartoonist and vocalist. As a cartoonist, Brown is alright for the 3-a-day section, but the vocalist with him is the limit. After the first show I told him to stop her letting out those unearthly yells and to tone it down if she is to sing at all. If there is no improvement in the new show, I will cut the vocal work of the woman.


Clay modeler. All of this man’s work was watched with great interest. Secured quite a number of laughs for the humorous subjects. Closed to big applause. 9 min, In one- 3 shows.


Clay Modeller: 10 min. F.S. 3 shows. Works with an easel and overhanging lights. Is very expert and works rapidly. Holds the attention very well. Act includes a little humor and is a satisfactory three-a-day.

Marcel’s Pictures

15 minutes in three. They have about half the act we expected and it is certainly a disappointment to us as we have played them several times before and they were always a big hit. They have eliminated the colored pictures and give us nothing but the bas-reliefs. While this end of the act is as good as formerly, the act as a whole does not please our audience nearly so well as during their other engagement. We would not care to play the act as it now is, a return at any figure.

Werden & Gladdish

Semi-dil paintings. As far as the views are concerned, this act is one of the best we ever had. The man is not much of a singer. The pictures are hand-painted and they introduced various effects. Sand four songs and each one was strongly applauded. A little bit of a novelty the way the act is presented. 16 min.- 2 shows

Jean Marcel’s Bas Relief & Living Art Studies

Mr. Marcel is giving us a different act this time than when here before. His pictures include bronze, blue, and white Bas Reliefs and color pictures. It is undoubtedly the most satisfactory act that he has yet given us from the viewpoint of the audience, and every picture was applauded. There is no question but what Marcel will bring us a lot of business this week, as the act made a great impression this afternoon.  24 min.


3 shows, 11 min, full stage. Comedy and artistic clay modeler. Clever and rapid worker. Probably the larger part of our patrons have never seen this man before, as he has always worked in the early 3-show section. I put him in this late place in the bill and all his offerings were appreciatively encored.

Herbert Deveaux

Crayon artist. This man did not make a very strong impression with our audience, about the only thing being his closing picture representing a winter scene which was quite effective and was made especially attractive by the introduction of a mechanical horse which drove across the scene attached to a sleigh which gained quite a little applause. Speaking generally, he is not nearly as good as Chalk Saunders, for he has but little idea of ‘patter’ and I hardly think his crayon work equals Saunders. It can be classed as a good act for an early place on the bill. 18 minutes in two.

Chalk Saunders

Crayon artist. This fellow does as good a crayon act as we have ever played, the only bad feature of it being that it is rather short. He only did 7 minutes today, but we will try and have that lengthened a little, although I should imagine that 10 minutes would be about all that he could fill. He can work entirely in 2, and probably in one where the apron is wide enough.