
14 min. in 1. This colored boy is a remarkable dancer and was one of the applause hits of the show.

The Kemps

Colored man and woman, singing, dancing and comedy. All of the work went very well. Gained a lot of laughs and scored a moderately strong finish. 20 minutes, street in 1 and special drop in 1.

Harmony Kings

A Symphony in Color. Four Colored men who sing several songs; dress very neatly and make a fine appearance. 12 min. in one; went good.

Sissle & Blake

Two colored men and a routine of songs and piano playing; the songs being of a very varied character. They were a most pronounced success; the audience being loath to let them go. 15 min. in one.

Exposition Jubilee Four

Kings of Syncopation. Four colored men in a comedy and harmony singing act; attractively costumed in lavender Prince Albert coat and silk hats. This act went over big. 15 min. in one.

Four Harmony Kings

Colored men with good voices and good collection of songs, a hit. 17 min. in one.

The Dixie Duo

(18 mins.) These colored boys were a big applause hit. Many of our audience remembered them for their appearance here with Jim Europe’s band and gave them a hearty welcome. Their songs scored warmly and they held down the next to closing position in great shape. Were called back for a couple of extra enchores and closed strong.

Moss & Frye

15 min. This colored team is one of the best comedy and singing turns we have played in some time. Their talk is all new and different, and they got a lot out of their songs. They went very big, taking several bows.

Johnson & Wells

Colored team. Singing and dancing, dressed swell. 12 minutes in one, went big.