Rosaire and Prevost

The act was six minutes long on the full stage. Two acrobats wear jockey suits and perform in front of a race course background. One is the comedian and the other is the tumbler. The two were formerly with different partners.

Carpos Bros.

The act was eleven minutes long on the full stage. The Carpos Bros. do head-to-head balancing. In one trick, the understander does a head stand on the floor while the top mounter balances himself on the other man’s heels. The understander then lets him down without breaking position. For the finish, the understander plays the piano while the top mounter balances on top of his head and plays the guitar. The top mounter fell three times, but there was unintentional comedy each time it happened. They played enough of the song before falling for the audience to understand and appreciate the trick.

Julia Gonzalei

The act was ten minutes long on the full stage. Julia Gonzalei does a routine on the rings and walks head-down from these to the trapeze through suspended loops. She then does a routine in the bar. She wears tights.

Two Belmonts

The act was seven minutes long on the full stage. A man and a woman perform on rings and stilts. The woman has a “rather startling holding strength and strong muscles.”

Loretta Twins

The act was twelve minutes long on the full stage. The Loretta Twins are actually three girls. Two look and dress similarly in short performance skirts that look like bathing suits and the other wears comedy makeup. The do a routine on the triple bars with a trampoline underneath. They do somersault cut-offs, giant swings, and a double somersault cut-off for the finish.