Jewell’s Manikins

15 Mins.; Full Stage (Special Scenery). This act has been almost entirely made over as to scenery and general routine. The stage upon the stage has handsome new plush curtains, and the background is brilliantly decorated with spangles. The act opens with puppets entering the boxes for the entertainment. Later there is a lively modern society dance, in which a tiny man and woman burlesque dances in a ludicrous style. Later follow “Mut and Jeff,” “Texas Nell,” a riding act, and after the “Baseball Rag,” a neat and entirely new feature in the manikin line. The act has abundant humor and is worked with precision. It is a capital offering for a house where children attend, and it also makes a strong appeal to the older ones.a

Jewell’s Manikins

The stage is set with new plush curtains and the background is brilliantly decorated with spangles.

Caine and Odom

The act was ten minutes long. A woman plays the piano and performs rapid fire talk with the man.

Van Alstyne and Company

Mr. Van Alstyne sings new and old songs. He sat at the piano and played the choruses of his old successes. He has three singers alongside him.

O’Rilla Barbee

The act was called “A Strenuous Daisy”. Miss Barbee sharpened a knife on her arm and performed other artistic stunts.