Louise Brehaney

A prettily-costumed, refined young woman who is the possessor of a voice that is musically sweet and well-trained. She is a winner with all for she has a repertoire that appeals to all classes. 10 minutes in one.

Hal Godfrey & Co.

Presenting the comedietta “A Very Bad Boy.” Godfrey is a grotesque dancer, in which work he makes a big hit. He is deserving of something better than the sketch he is appearing in. It pleases fairly well, however. 20 minutes full stage.  

The Five De Luccas

European acrobats. All men. These performers have certainly reached the limit in daring feats and originality. The space permitted is too limited to do them anything like justice in the way of describing their work. 8 minutes full stage.

Filson & Errol

Presenting their one-act play entitled “A Daughter of Bacchus.” Some may question the morale of the sketch as Filson and his partner feign drunkenness (the former from start to close in the latter three-fourths of the time she is up on the stage) during the entirety of its recital. It is admirably acted and it reached the “laugh center” with both audiences yesterday. 23 minutes full stage.

Leona Thurber

a large, well-formed, particularly well-dressed singing comedienne supported by two negro boys who have outgrown the pickaninny class and whose work consists of making discordant noises on a cornet, a trombone and shouting at the top of their voices in a way that would blast rocks. 14 minutes in I.

Falke & Seamon

two men who do a black and white face comedy musical act. The burnt cork member of the duo is very funny and the major portion of his stuff is new. The act is in the front row in its class. 20 minutes full stage.

Homer Lind & Co.

Presenting his new act ‘The Singing Teacher,’ with a cast of four people besides Lind and his wife. On account of the comedy in the act it is about the best thing Lind has ever given us. Interior in 3, 30 min.

Geo. W. Jones & Harry Sylvester

‘The Two Drummers.’ Carry a special drop of railroad station. They introduce a lot of fly comedy talk and go into their singing. 15 minutes.

Alexander Kids

Two girls (little). Sing two or three songs and do all kinds of dancing; one of them does a little acrobatic work at the finish. A smaller child walks across the stage dressed in English flags. 13 minutes.

Ishikawa Japs

Four clean cut fine appearing Japanese boys in an excellent hand balancing and acrobatic act. Palace, full stage, 10 minutes.