The Great Goldin

Illusionist. He is a hard worker and his act cannot be praised too highly. His big illusions are the best that have ever been presented in this city. There is no doubting the fact that he is one of the very best features in vaudeville. 20 minutes full stage.  

Carroll Johnson

Black face comedian. This performer has improved wonderfully since his last engagement here. He is going well. 23 minutes in I.

The Baileys

Colored vocalists and dancers. The foremost in their particular class. They can inject life into any bill. Favorites in this city. 12 minutes in 1.

Coleman’s Dogs And Cats

One of the most original and cleverest of the many animal acts in vaudeville. It is causing a cyclone of laughter with the audiences of this house. 15 minutes full stage.

Hal Stephens

In artistic impersonations of stage celebrities, including Richard Mansfield, Lew Deckstader, Weber and Field, Jimmie Russell, Joe Hart in “Foxy Grandpa,” and Joseph Jefferson in “Rip Van Winkle”. This artist cannot be praised too highly on account of the finished performance that he gives and the expense that he goes in the way of scenic effects for his act. He is one of the few who elevates vaudeville. 28 minutes full stage.

The Fadette Lady Orchestra

This is one of the greatest acts in vaudeville. It is not only a splendid novelty but a company of modestly-appearing women who play with an accuracy and coloring that moves the coldest auditor to the fever point of admiration. It is a turn that elevates vaudeville and attracts the most refined and intellectual theatergoers. 30 minutes full stage.

Truly Shattuck

Prima donna. An artist who has all of the requisite—symmetry of form, beauty of face and a splendid voice—to make her a prime favorite; which she is without doubt. 10 minutes in 1.

Walter Leroy and Florence Clayton

Presenting the sketch entitled “Hogan of the Hansem.” This playlet has been presented in this city before but an account of its clean comedy and the artistic way that it is being interpreted it is going like a prairie fire. 26 minutes full stage.

Quaker City Quartette

They introduce some excellent vocal and instrumental music. They have caught on big in this theater and they deserve all the applause and praise that they are receiving. 13 minutes full stage. 11 minutes in 1.

Reed and Shaw

Flying ring performers. They so some very good feats and the general impression of act would be better if it were not for asinine pranks of one of the duo who thinks he is a comedian. 10 minutes full stage.