A musical novelty in which four women and three men participate the latter made up as a wench. While the idea is a good one it has not been introduced by the male members while the women are making a change of costume, is tiresome and irrelevant. The act will not do in its present shape. 27 minutes full stage and 4 minutes in 1.
“The Modern Witch.” While blindfolded she does rapid calculating in a way that surprises her auditors. It is a turn that will cause people to talk after they have left the theater, in consequence of which it is a drawing card. 22 minutes full stage.
Five men presenting the sketch entitled “The fire Chief.” They are excellent singers and their selections are capital. An act of great merit and a winner with our audiences. 17 minutes full stage.
Presenting the sketch entitled “Election Bets.” As a dramatic vehicle this skit contains very little to recommend it. Were it not for the capable acting of Mr. Hallen and his partner it would not have caught on with our audiences the way that it has. 18 minutes full stage.
This artist occupies the top round of artistic and vocal prominence. She is one of the greatest drawing cards in vaudeville. 15 minutes in II and 5 minutes in I.
“The football players and the farmer” is the way this trio of acrobats bill themselves. This is the first gymnastic act that I have ever seen the comedy of which was not painful. One member of this party is an excellent comedian. As acrobats they are at the top. 15 minutes full stage and 3 minutes in 1.
Presenting the sketch “The Bifurcated Girl.” An exceedingly funny and original skit. It keeps our audiences in continuous laughter from the rise to the fall of the curtain. 23 minutes in 3.
A man and woman presenting “The Electric Boy”, which is very tame from a dramatic view point but on account of the very clever work of Mr. Baker the turn is a scream producer. This note has a superior on the stage in comedy work. 22 Minutes full stage.
Presenting the sketch entitled “A Very Bad Boy”. Mr. Godfrey has improved great since his last appearance in this house. His grotesque dancing never fails to elicit tumultuous applause. His skit is very funny and both Godfrey and his support extract every laugh and comedy line from it that it contains. It is undeniably and genuinely a mirth provoker of the 14 caret trend. 28 minutes full stage.
Grotesque. One of the trio in exceedingly clever, in fact does all the work that has any merit. The other two are excess baggage. 12 minutes full stage.