Broomstick Witches

This number from ‘The Isle of Spice’ contains 11 girls including Delight Barsch a pretty little woman with a captivating voice. The chorus is one of the liveliest ever seen in vaudeville. They appear in two scenes The Maid of Nicobar and the broomstick witches. They carry no scenery but went very big with the audience. 15 min, FS.

Rabbh Johnston

This man, who also comes from the N.Y. Hippodrome, does some of the most sensational aerial bicycle stunts ever seen in this section, and if he gets through the week without breaking his neck the theater will have something to be thankful for.  20 min. FS.

Dick Lynch

Burlesque ballads and dancing.  He was received quite well, but whether it was for the reason that he is a Detroit man, or for the reason that his material pleased I am unable to judge.  16 min. in one.

Colonial Septette

Came here with new scenery, costumes and musical selections, and scored as big as formerly.  This is a real cameo among musical acts, and of course went big.  17 min. FS.  5 in one.

Robert Hilliard

Mr. Hilliard, with five men, give us for the first time “The Man Who Won The Pool.”  This act is quite inferior to either “The Littlest Girl,” or “No. 973” for vaudeville purposes.  Winning a ship’s pool is a vague term to 75 percent of our audiences, and the climax is not altogether satisfying.  However it got four calls at the matinee and five at the evening performance.  23 min. FS.

Searl & Violet Allen Co.

Presenting their new comedy act “The Traveling Man.” This is quite a novel offering, the setting being the Grand Central depot, and the interior of a Pullman car.  It is a better act than their former one and was received quite well.  18 min. in two and three.

William H. Thompson & Co.

Supported by Thomas H. Ince, an excellent actor: Manuel Alexander, and Nicholas Carroll, presenting the very strong dramatic sketch “For Love’s Sweet Sake.” For the vaudeville theaters of the upper crust this act is a gem of the purest water.  The acting on the part of Mr. Thompson and Mr. Ince has never been excelled on any stage.  It pulls clear to the root of the heart strings.  23 min. FS.

Elpie Pay

The audience appeared to appreciate Miss Pay’s work and she was given a fine reception, dividing the applause honors of the bill with Hamilton Hill.  Personally I cannot see Miss Pay at all except as a mugger, and even in that I think she is very unfunny.  9 min. in one.

Eleven Metzettis

eight men, two women and a boy, proved to be the acrobatic sensation of the season.   The boy, who dressed as a girl, is the star feature of the act.  Not one person in ten thousand in the audience would suspect him of being a boy, and the triple and double somersaults he performs are really wonderful.  7 min. FS.

Musical Avolos

Two women and two men making their initial appearance. Were received enthusiastically and their xylophone playing shows they are excellent musicians on that kind of an instrument. 10 mins. in one.