Vocalist. Miss Carson is about 17 years of age has excellent voice of high range and exceeding sweetness. She was not as happy in her selections of songs as her last appearance here. 7 mins. in one.
Presenting “The Cowboy and the Herd”. He was assisted by Mr. Frank Beamish and Henrietta Browne, two excellent players. While there is nothing starting in the sketch the presence of Mr. Douglas and Mr. Beamish drew quite a crowd to the Theatre as they are well known in Detroit. 24 mins. F.S.
Joe, Kyra & Buster. This act went much better this week than on the occasion of its last presentation here. Buster appears to be growing stronger all the time. The act was the laughing hit of the bill. 12 mins. F.S. in one.
Three trained Shetland ponies and half a dozen trained collies and fox terriers. There is nothing remarkable about this act. In fact it is inferior to many animal acts we have played. 13 min. F.S.
[Musical novelty] This act shows no improvement over its initial presentation here. True the costumes have been somewhat improved upon but the music and ballet are almost identical. It is a showy act but the young women lack life and sparkle which are so necessary in all vaudeville acts. 19 in 1, close F.S.
Mr. Dixey presented in his latest offering “David Garrick on the Art of Acting.” There is no question but that the production was presented in an artistic manner and pleased the more intelligent portion of our audiences but that it will not do for the great mass of vaudeville patrons is only too evident. 22 min. F.S.
This big California contra tenor went strong here. He sings “Too Late,” Rose of My Life,” and “Bonnie Eloise” in a charming manner. He is one of the distinct hits of the bill. 12 min. in one.
Bruno is quite clever as a comedian and Miss Russell is petite and graceful. While the singing and dancing act is by no means a great one it succeeds in amusing our audiences. 17 min. F.S.
These two young men are masters of the banjo and succeed in creating considerable enthusiasm. I consider the act a good one for any bill. 12 min. in one.
These two young men do some remarkable strong-arm work. Their hand balancing is second to none and superior to many. 6 min. F.S.