Presenting ‘The Awakening of Toys.’ Although this is a very good act from every standpoint its novelty has been worn off for this theatre, and it has ceased to have much value here. This act with the two acts mentioned received very little applause. 13 min. FS.
This female impersonator is quite inferior to Eltinge, but he has a fine voice and he changes from high soprano to deep baritone with the greatest ease. His gowns are rich and on the whole he made a hit. 9 min. in one.
This is one of the best singing acts we play, and it went very big with those who take delight in excellent vocal melody. 16 min. Open with prison drop. Close FS.
Playing ‘A Hero.’ This is an exceptionally good act with Mason in a part that fits him like a glove. There is plenty of slang in it, and in a way it suggests the politician of Clayton White. 20 min, FS.
This act calls for the billing to read ’17 Human Flags – 17.’ As there are but 12 girls in the act I refused to bill as instructed. While the act is a very good one I am of the opinion that it has depreciated a great deal since its last presentation here. Mr. Bryan’s successor is fully as good as the original but the girls do not present as wholesome an appearance, and there are but very few of the original girls in the act. I am of the opinion that their season in burlesque has had a bad effect on their discipline. 15 min, FS. Open in one about 3 minutes.
Presenting ‘The Fifth Commandment.’ Mr. Steger has retained the same company as last season which shows his good sense for he would find it hard to replace W.H. Pascoe and John Romano. Helen Mar Wilcox is almost too old for the part of the daughter but she interprets her lines delightfully. The act was a big hit at both the afternoon and evening performance. 26 min. FS.
Drawing on blackened glass the lines reflected in heroic manner on canvas. One of the best acts vaudeville can boast of. Mr. Levy is not only an artist of rare talent but his novel method of displaying it is highly entertaining. He has vein of comedy that is both clever and in very good taste. 14 min, FS.
Five men dressed as English army officers, Solo and ensemble singing, and piano playing. Singing is better than the average, and piano playing is away above the average. A novel and entertaining act. 15 min. FS, Can close in one about one-and-a-half minutes.
Six girls and one young man, the latter carried for the purpose of opening in one with a song. As we did not need an opening in one the man was used just for a moment as chauffeur. The act is better if used this way. This is one of the best dressed acts we ever played, and it is thoroughly and decidedly pleasing. 30 min, FS.
Notwithstanding the poor delivery of Auger, and the ‘fierce’ acting of Sylvia Hearne, this is a corking good act, particularly for our matinee audiences. The lilliputs are all right, and the act itself is a big novelty as the contrast in the size of the Auger and the lilliputs is so great as to almost create a sensation. 24 min. FS.