Gertrude Le Folson and Co

The action doesn’t really commence until Miss e Folsom comes on. From that point there are many laughable situations.

Byron, Warren and Co

Two men and a woman are the central figures in a playlet which smacks of the wild west, shooting irons and true love that has many obstacles.

Southern Four

A mixed quartet of coloured entertainers. The comedy man is fashioned somewhat along the lines of Bert Williams. The quartet works together on all of the numbers.

The Cowboy Minstrels

The four warblers use an exterior mountain cabin scene and carry out the minstrel idea by sitting in a circle on ordinary soap boxes, spilling over a few jokes and rendering the songs in the old-fashioned minstrel way.

Elsa Ford

She made two costume changes. Neither is elaborate, but the style of songs rendered do not require any great amount of dressing.

May Mayfield

Her opening number is in kid costume and she is rather petite.