George White and Co.
Kitner and Rodney
The Van Cellos
DeLeon and Davies
The man
enters in military uniform, playing the
role of a Red Cross surgeon, explaining
in his introductory number “Somewhere
in France” that he is an American
and is blessed with a “God-
Mother” somewhere in France. The
theme is light, but has an abundance of
good laughs. It deals with the current
French fad whereby wealthy woman select
a soldier, unknown to them, in the
trenches and send him little necessities,
etc. This particular chap is on a furlough
and has come back to get acquainted
with his “God-Mother.” She
turns out to be an old sweetheart from
Jim and Marion Harkins
Octavia Broske Co.
The turn
is dressed in a rather pretty setting
depicting a western section with a practical
wagon at one side.
Ethel McDonough
“On the Scaffold”
Slapstick comedy and blackface makeup.