Crescent Comedy Four, the usual comedy harmony quartet, scored high with hokum comedy. Four men, in different dress, and they dish their hoak just the way the Rialto patrons want it, but close with a poor harmony song, sending them off to nothing.
Garfield and Smith could have gone further on the bill for better results, through this pair went big as any in the show. They have bright talk, putting it over with good delivery, and their early position didn’t make much difference with their being the applause hit.
Adrian and his stage hand plants followed and kept ‘em guessing. He started slow, but when the plants walked out, one of them doing comedy, they couldn’t miss. One of the high spots of the act was one of the plants’ singing of “Broadway Rose.”
Jean Gordon Players, a novelty skit with songs and dances, proved another hit. It consists of two men and two women, all in Scotch dress, and has a slight plot, just enough to make it interesting. The straight man has a sweet tenor voice and when he sings he thrills the audience.
Fisher and Hurst, the man doing Hebrew character to the woman’s straight, came next. The woman possesses a crackerjack “blued” voice and she sings several snappy jazz songs, getting a good hand after each. The man has a good dialect and puts over his Jewish gags to advantage.
Maye Hunt, another veteran of the world’s war, introduces herself with a slide, which informs the audience that she was the first woman performer to go into Germany to entertain the boys of Army Occupation. She is a tall, stately, Titian-haired beauty, who has an abundance of personality and a winning manner that makes it possible to bend the audience to her will. She tells stories, using a catch phrase of “You know what I mean” or “Do you get the idea?” She also wears a marvelous gown and proves that she knows how to dress. She has a very pleasant singing voice and delivered one of the applause hits of the bill. She can easily walk into an early spot on the big time and hold it with ease.
Jerome and Albright, two men in street clothes with no make-up and hair partly mussed up, sang several numbers, one playing piano. They have fairly good voices, lots of pep and good delivery, but the dressing makes it a small timer.
“Apartment House Frolics,” two men and two women one of the funniest skits seen on the small time in many months, closed the bill. With the right kind of performer the act couldn’t miss on the two-a-day.
Zelaya, the South American piano player, was next-to-closing, and held it down with ease. He opens with a classical selection, after which he gives a lecture in psychology, and when he jazzes the popular numbers he just couldn’t miss.
Williams and Taylor, colored performers one doing comedy, got most out of their dancing. They gave a little of soft-shoe stuff, then a comedy song, followed by never failing eccentric dances.