20 Mins.; Full Stage. The main idea this trio of musicians (two women and a man) want to impress is that it is their first appearance on this side in 17 years. The man and his partner are probably the two over here at that time, for the little girl who handles the large hard does not look as if she had yet seen 17 years. The man’s playing on the small harp is about the whole act. He shows real ability and easily outdoes the two other members. The older woman plays a little silver horn affair and she keeps up until the audience is decidedly tired of it. The little girl plays the large harp fairly well for a child. The selections are mostly Irish numbers and the others sound as if they might have been held over from the last visit. The closing number makes them finish strong. A fair musical turn of its kind that will find the audiences in some houses most appreciative.
20 Mins.; One. Wopman and Horton from the usual male team consisting of straight and comedian. The comedian gets the majority of his laughs on appearance. His partner does not possess anything unusual in the way of a voice. The comedian does a Scotch number that gets a big laugh on his costume (not different from the others) but he made them roll in their seats at the 58th Street. In the pop house his team should find the going easy.
15 Mins.; One. The Crescent Quartet equally mixed, having voices above the average found in small time vaudeville. Mostly operatic selections starting with the “Sexette from Lucia” are sung. They handle this very well for a fine start. The contralto did a solo that went over with a bang. The dressing is so far superior to the average operatic quartet it deserves mention. The men wear evening dress that looks as if it were made for them, while the two women have attractive gowns which look spic and span. It is an act that should make the big time on ability and appearance.
9 Mins.; One. Florence Rayfield is a little “single” that will do for an early spot on the small time bills. She has a small parlor voice with a nasal twang and a cabaret manner of working.
18 Mins.; One. Tommy Van and the Ward Girls are presenting a three-act that will develop into a corking novelty turn for the small time. It has a novelty opening with the girls seated in the audience. Mr. Van comes on as a single (which his billing would indicate) and offers an imitation of Raymond Hitchcock. At its completion he starts to announce his next imitation, when he is interrupted by a girl’s laugh from the audience. A bit of cross-fire follows, and the girls come on the stage. Some comedy talk follows. The girls look cute at the opening, but after making a change the blonde dresses her hair in a fashion to make her look much taller than the brunet and detracts from the harmony. Her gown might also be changed. The act was easily the hit of the ball Tuesday night.
10 Mins.; Full. An act of this sort is a ghost of the past. There are few left who can remember so far into the past and the one that discovered it should receive a degree as an archeologist. Al Debre is a colored performer. He plays a number of bugle calls at the opening; this is followed by a musket drill, and for the close he does a Lancashire clog.
16 Mins.; Full. A big flash turn for the small time, Miss Swan has gathered seven good looking girls who can play and dress well. The octet comprises strings, brass and a drummer. A feature number to give the drummer an opportunity is not accepted for its full worth. Throughout the entire turn there seems to be a lack of ginger that would put the fact over as a riot. A turn of this sort should be the hit of any small time bill, – properly managed and with the proper routine of numbers; but at the 58th street house Tuesday night it had to be content with second honors.
16 Mins.; Full Stage (Special Set). Menlo Moore has brought east one of his new acts, showing it this week at Proctor’s in Mount Vernon. The number has six people, two men and four girls, with a beautiful woodland scene. The turn is dancing throughout, entirely in pantomime. There is something of a story told by dancing of the principals, but it is not distinct enough to easily grasp. However the dancing is what is meant to count, and it surely does, if Mount Vernon’s verdict is criterion. The dance story has to do with three characters. The first scene is in a special setting, in “three.” The remainder of the dancing is in full stage. Pan, the fellow with the pipes, makes his appearance and nimbly prances around the stage. The sweetheart of the other fellow appears with a group of girls, and young Mr. Pan tries to steal her. He succeeds.. As he is carrying her off, an arrow from her lover’s bow goes through his heart, and that ends the piping. Some more dancing, and for the big finale after the killing, a storm arises and a bolt of lightning strikes a tree near the dancers. They fall prostrate upon the ground and that is the end. The dancing sketch is fine from an equipment standpoint and no fault can be found with principals. The girl having the most dancing to do, gracefully handles herself, as if she had considerable ballet experience. The act is classy in looks and work.
11 Mins.; Full (Special Drop). Boyd and St. Clair are a man and woman with a comedy skit patterned after some of the teams on big time. The woman hasn’t any voice to speak of, and the act just about passes.