Scott and Annetta
Scott and Annetta closed the show with
some lifting feats and muscle displays, pulling
down a good bit with his final trick when
lifting the woman from the floor on one arm
while lying on bis back. They looked well
from front, and combined with some snappy
work of hand to hand balancing, they closed
Milano and Dell
Dave King
Selbert Llndley and Co.,
It Is a rather aged story. An uncle visiting his nephew (suposed to be a
single man), when spoken to about marriage generally goes Into a fit Prearranged upon word being received uncle was about to arrive. The young fellow has already been married and the young couple cannot see a fortune slipping. An ex-convict then gave a lecture upon prison reform and other Inside workings with a plea to the public tacked upon the end.
The Georgalls Trio
the regulation routine of shooting from the different positions, with the flag for an applause finish.
Orso Goodhue
Mina Starlee
Sylvania and Delphise
Tho greater portion of
the dancing (soft shoe) is not varied to any
extent, naturally the overdose does not gain
the appreciation that otherwise might be