they need new scenery. “If they want to pay to carry scenery around they should get a good cloth. Venice under a green sky more nearly suggests Ireland’
“about the last in the old line of contortionist to hold a place on the better class bills. They succeed because the act is always neatly dressed and the grotesque posturing fall to the lot of the man”
dummies are “positively shabby”
burlesque magic while pretending to take himself seriously. He only occasionally “spoils the effect by smiling”
A young widow is pursued by a masher who says that unless she receives him within a half-hour he will break into her apartment. She has another admirer, a youthful Colonel, who has a “rum blossom” on the end of his nose and who has taken up riding as it is advertised as a cure. He is in pain due to sore feet from his riding boots and she thinks he is intoxicated. When she leaves the stage he takes off his boots. She enters, sees the boots and thinks her stalker has come. The Colonel locks her safely in another room, pretends to slay the intruder and “so wins the widow”
Different dialects, no change of costume