Has Rena Arnold with him because he is lonesome working alone. Provided a boy to talk to instead of the orchesta leader. Others who made the leader a partner in their act should follow suit. Miss Arnold is dainty in appearance.
“Has four small blacks to furnish the ginger she lacks.” Children are badly dressed, with ripped stockings. The act offers some good dancing from the children.
Would do better with cleaner costumes. “The Day of the filthily dressed tramp is gone.”
Should never again wear red gloves with a white dress. She needs arm sheilds.
Morse looked dignified in a tuxedo
The “company” is a woman who is apparently the boy’s mother. “Precious child” with a “impression of unspoiled childishness.” Act ran long and made him seem exhausted. Came out dressed like a girl at first.
The gags are ‘selected’ without discrimination as several old gags appear. Dancing was particlarily good.
“good whirlwind dancers.” “Acrobatic to a degree.”