The Alexandroff Troupe
George Evans
A Fete Night in Seville
The Bogannys
The setting is a bake shop’s interior, with the men and boys dressed as cooks.
Alexandroff Troupe
M. Desroches and Mlle. Bianca
Adams and Mack
One attempts tricks and the other is suppose to be a comedian. The sleight of hand is poor and the only good trick of palminh cards is smothered by the poor comedy.
“The Poster Girls”
Bill-board runs across a dimly lit stage. Divided into the usual division, each with a poster girl on it. There are six divisions, the last shows an advertisment for a brand of corset. A Drunk played by Seymour Brown walks by and investigates the pictures. The house lights go down and when they come back on, the posters have been rolled up to reveal a girl behind each. The dancing has been well stage managed and the costuming is commendable
May Naudain
Evidently nervous. Ran into the easel holding the annoucement cards. Has a pretty face.