Frederick Soloman
Herrmann, the Great
The Arrival of the Lusitania
The newest and largest ocean greyhound, “Lusitania,” is pictured on her first entrance into this port. The mammoth in followed from near the Battery to her docking, and it makes an interesting series, more especially for houses out of town which could obtain from it an excellent idea of the shipping traffic on the North River. Amusement is brought out in the film by an effect which shows the smaller craft going up and down the river at race horse speed while the big liner is swinging around.
Hetty King
In evening clothes Miss King is all that has been claimed for her. In two other costumes, one of a vanilla color, and the other a green, there is a hybrid garment, resembling in about equal proportions a tailor- made woman’s jacket and the tail of a man’s dress coat, which gives the singer a more feminine than masculine appearance. Her changes are perfectly made in their completeness, and for speed in this she has the advantage over Miss Tilley, but Miss King’s hats either seem to misfit or are poorly worn.
R. G. Knowles
Baron’s Burlesque Menagerie
The setting represents an iron cage generally in use for animals, and dogs are disguised as wild beasts.
Baptiste and Franconi
A Morning Rehearsal
The scene of the skit represents an early morning rehearsal, with the girls arriving late, offering various comedy excuses. One young woman who blamed her automobile made an impression, while another “sister” act looking for an engagement had a brief but meaty argument with the stage manager (Mr. Harrison).