“The Wonder Workers.” 15 min. A very good magic act. Most of the tricks are of the levitation variety and held the audience mystified, the fire and water trick used for a finished being exceptionally well done. The act was very well received.
“The Wonder Workers.” 15 min. A very good magic act. Most of the tricks are of the levitation variety and held the audience mystified, the fire and water trick used for a finished being exceptionally well done. The act was very well received.
15 min. Two boys in evening clothes in a routine of step-dancing. They open with a song and introduce some talk during their dancing, but it is the latter which carries the act through. Finished to a fairly good hand.
9 min. A routine of teeth tricks on a whirling apparatus during which they change costumes several times. Made a good showy opening.
9 min. A very handsomely staged acrobatic turn and the quartet does a routine of showy hand-to-hand tricks. Gave the show a very good closing number.
12 min. A big laughing hit with their nut comedy. No changes from the last time they played here but a surefire comedy of its kind.
14 min. First appearance here in some time for these favorites and they scored one of the big hits of the show. Sang a half dozen songs and scored with every one. Were liberally rewarded with applause.
15 min. A trio working in evening clothes and setting representing interior of a club. Boys sing single and trio numbers, one playing the piano and violin. Finish with an instrumental medley to a good hand.
12 min. A young fellow and girl with songs. Good voices and sing well together. Were very well liked.
10 min. A good routine of lariat-throwing with some comedy foot work on a revolving globe and some dancing. A very good opener.