Christie Mac Donald

23 min. “Cupid’s Mirror.” Her first vaudeville appearance here and she was very well received in a very prettily staged and pleasing vehicle. Miss MacDonald sings several numbers and is assisted by a young man and young woman who also introduce one dance number. Their trio numbers were warmly received and Miss MacDonald closed strong with her popular “Day Dreams.”

Christie Mac Donald

23 min. “Cupid’s Mirror.” Her first vaudeville appearance here and she was very well received in a very prettily staged and pleasing vehicle. Miss MacDonald sings several numbers and is assisted by a young man and young woman who also introduce one dance number. Their trio numbers were warmly received and Miss MacDonald closed strong with her popular “Day Dreams.”

Conlin & Glass

12 min. A lot of crossfire comedy talk used by this pair brought some good laughs and Conlin enlivens the act with his piano-playing. A couple of songs are used. Act closed to a good hand.

Regina Connelli & Ruby Craven

18 min. A one-act playlet, called, “Moondown.” One of the Washington Square Players’ productions that carries a heart interest story with an “Easiest Way” girl character in it. It held attention and the comedy lines got some laughs but it has a very poor finish which brought the curtain down with almost no applause. With a better finish the sketch would get over much stronger.

Mme. Chilson-Ohrman

14 min. One of the biggest applause hits of the show. A brilliant vocalist who has selected a program to show her voice to the best advantage. An attractive personality also helps her to win favor and she made a very good impression, being called out for a little speech of thanks.

Dunham & O’Malley

13 min. Young fellow and girl in a singing and talking skit. Only fair. Got very little return until their final number which was well handled and took them off to a good hand.

Darras Bros.

8 min. Two men in a good routine of head and hand balancing, also trapeze tricks. Did very well as an opener.

Moran & Wiser

12 min. These two men are using the same act before consisting of hat juggling but presenting it in a new setting and the novelty of it made it a very good closing act.

Jack Wilson & Co.

kind of an act as he has done for several years with two new people as associates. As usual he burlesqued several of the acts ahead of him getting good laughs and his eccentric dressing brought screams from the audience. The act made good but the material showed signs of wear.

Herman Timberg

28 min. Assisted by Five Dancing Violin Girls. A musical comedy with plenty of flesh and color. Timberg attempts only a little bit of comedy but the production is full of action and music. An eccentric dance by the principal was a big applause winner and the violin-playing of Timberg and the girls brought good results. The piece is nicely staged and the girls wear attractive costumes. The act was a good sized hit.