Elinore & Williams

18 min. in 1 and 2 1/2 . This well known team received quite a few laughs; closed to a good hand.


11 min. in 1. Mignon with her impersonations; pretty gowns went over very good.

Collins & Hart

10 min. f.s., spl. This act hasn’t changed a particle within the last ten years, but they received a good many laughs and closed to a good hand.

Browne Sisters

13 min. in 1. These girls make a nice appearance, playing accordions with a little dancing. Went fair.

Marzellas’ Birds

14 min., f.c.Spl. These folks have added quite a little paraphernalia to their act which makes it quite a flash, but it was a quiet opening for us. Went fair.

Mme. Doree’s Celebrities

20 min. f.s.. Spl. This is a good singing aggregation and their act is well staged. Held the audience pretty well.

Jas & Bonnie Thornton

24 min. in 1. James is just as good as ever judging from the laughs his monologue and Bonnie certainly looks good and got the audience singing with her in good style. Went good.

U.S. Navy “Jazz” Band

25 min. f.s.. in 1 ½ – F.S. Mr. McGowan assisted by two girls in a very bright miniature musical comedy; held this spot well closing to good hand.

Courtney Sisters

12 min. in 1. These girls have a very good program of songs and put them over in their usual manner closing to a good hand.

Wm. Gaxton & Co.

23 min., f.s., Spl. Mr. Gaxton supported by a very clever company put over his playlet “Kisses” in good shape closing to a good hand.