Gardiner & Vincent

“Winning a Queen.” Four people in a novel and amusing comedy act that has many good laughs. Some interesting pictures are utilized between the changes of scenes and some novel scenic effects are employed. The act went well with the audience. Full stage, special act, 18 min.

Tom Smith and the Three Peaches

One of Al Leach’s old acts. Smith gets the comedy over in very good shape and his eccentric dancing wins hearty applause. The girls provide considerable comedy in their eccentric make-ups and they sing and dance well. A very acceptable offering. C.D.F. in 3, 11 min. Close in 1, 8 min.

Irene Shannon & Con Conrad

Bits of Vaudeville. A rather quiet act for this spot and hardly up to the run of the acts we usually offer. Conrad’s piano playing gets over in good shape and Miss Shannon looks pretty and sings. Olio in 1. Time 11 min.

Strength Brothers

European equilibrists. A splendid opening act. The two men are neat looking, dress well and so some of the best head and hand balancing I have ever seen. Act will get by in this spot anywhere. Garden in 2. Time 8 min.

Bercaz’s Circus

Ponies look well and work fast but the feature of the act is the unrideable mule, closing a big comedy show with a gale of laughter.

The Five Musical Avollos

To my mind one of the best musical acts in the business. Al of their selection were well rendered and the patriotic finish took several rounds of applause. Olio drop in 1. Time 14 min.

Evers-Wisdom Co.

In “Baseballitis.” 3 people. One of the best laughing acts I have seen in sometime. Story is of a woman who has tired of her husband spending all his time at ball-games, etc., and decides to teach him a lesson. She has advertised for a boarder and lodger and a young man applies for the vacant room. She insists upon putting her husband on the same level as the new boarder and all sorts of complications ensue. When the new boarder attempts to make love she becomes frightened and flies to her husband for protection. He goes into the adjoining room to annihilate the new-comer and discovers the new boarder to be his boon companion at the ball-games. The audience laughed so heartily this afternoon that the last few minutes of dialogue were practically lost in the whirlwind of merriment. Sketch is unusually well played and following the big laughing act which preceded it scored on the big hit of the performance. Perhaps the only criticism to be offered would be to let the audience in a littler earlier on the deception being practiced by the friend. Divided stage in 3. Time 20 min.

The Widow Brown

Farce comedy, 3 men, 3 women. A lively farce that keeps the audience laughing from start to finish. A good story, on the mistaken identity order. Well played and ought to be a big laughing hit.

Arthur Rigby

‘The Minstrel.’ A good blackface comedian with a good routine of stuff, most of it old but it gets over in good shape and he went off to well deserved applause. Street in 1. Time 13 min.

Stuart & Keeley

Fashion-plate dancers. Man and woman. A very good act of its kind, well dressed and excelling in dancing. Make three changes of costume. Will hold this spot nicely anywhere. Special plush drop in 1. Time 14 min.