In 1. Time 17. Wright has a pleasing voice. He should eliminate his efforts to displace Caruso. Miss Deitrich has a very sweet and powerful voice. She is the big feature of the act and acquits herself in an effective fashion throughout.
C.D.F. Time 15. 2 women, 3 men. Comedy sketch entitled, “Lost A Kiss.” The plot is novel. The sketch jumps along in a lively fashion to the tune of many laughs. It is bright and active. Nothing great but a good laugh getter.
In 3. 5 Japanese. Time 9. They do neatly the conventional line of Japanese work. They finish with one man walking on his head along a table and coming down steps in this manner. First rate.
1 man assistant. Open F.S. Palace. Close in 1. Time 20. This clever juggler made his accustomed hit. Comedy great. Some new material.
In 1. Time 13. 1 woman, 2 men. A high class dancing act, including buck, eccentric and acrobatic steps. The eccentric dancer is very fine.
In 1. Time 10. Sings Irish songs. After a very poor start she gets going well and ends with the audience with her applauding vigorously.
F.S. special interior. Time 23. 3 women, 4 men. “The Sign of the Rose.” Here is a truly excellent sketch for vaudeville of a kind seldom seen. The entire cast is capable, and the work of Mr. Beban as an Italian is highly effective and his pathos gripped the audience in a way seldom seen in vaudeville or legitimate houses. Cleveland thoroughly agrees with all the fine things that have been said about Mr. Beban in this sketch.
Time 14. In 1. Her singing voice is very good. Her ventriloquial [sic] work is disappointing both in technique of execution and in entertaining qualities. Her “voice throwing” is indistinct, and her comedy is weak. A good line of brick jokes would improve the act greatly.
F.S. special effective set. Time 10. Ferry is a clever contortionist who impersonates a frog. He gets a deal of humor out of his work and all around his offering is genuine entertainment. Highly effective in every detail.
Time 10. In 1. Miss Verdi is a remarkable fine violinist who scored a genuine hit. Her little brother plays the ‘cello well and makes a capital accompanist for his sister. An act of unusual merit and refinement which can be feared in advance advertising without stinting.