James Dunn, working in blackface, and
Sam Kessler, a brother of Aaron, of the
Hammerstein staff, dressed neatly and
doing straight, provide a neat little singing
and dancing specialty.
The pair appear
as Italians.
The Cavill Family have a routine of diving and swimming. Two young children swim and boost the act.
The act was ten minutes long on the full stage.
The duo consists of a man and a woman who are novelty equilibrists. They have a routine of balancing on the swinging trapeze. They balance two-high, with the man’s foot resting on the trapeze bar. The woman also balances atop a ladder which stands on the bar. For the finish, the man “does an unsupported head balance on the bar with the woman swinging from a hand grip.” The woman wears a short skirt and the man wears street clothes.