This sketch entitled “the Judge’s Son” was nineteen minutes long on the full stage.
The sketch was adapted from the denunciation scene in the third act of “A Man of Honor.” Edmund Breese plays the Judge and Hans Roberts plays the son. The two men are complete opposites, as the Judge stands for integrity and honesty while the son cares for nothing of the kind.
The act was twelve minutes long.
This singing quartet is made up of four Red Sox players: Marty McHale, Tom (Buck) O’Brien, Hugh Bradley, and Bill Lyons.
The men open the act by singing solo and then come together. They finish with some old “rags” and then each dances a Turkey Trot.
They appeared in their baseball uniforms which were dirty from the diamond.
This tight wire and teeth act was ten minutes long on the full stage.
The act revolves around three women and a boy, who do conventional wire work in the style of the Curzon Sisters.”The set is Japanesy, with the wire in the foreground.”
The act was twenty-one minutes long.
Young women pose in front of a fan-shaped curtain in pretty dresses. It is different from other numbers of this kind because there is an absence of nudity.
The Martine Brothers perform a trampoline act and finish with sixty consecutive somersaults on the bounding table.
The act was ten minutes long.
The orchestra only had twelve musicians and is very light for such a long name.
Ideal is a one-woman diving act who wears a red union suit.
Winsor McCay presents his moving pictures of drawings, which he manipulates into “quaint, humorous and interesting films.”