The White Sisters
Several of their dancing steps were complicated, but seemed less impressive when following the big dance act of the night.
Madeline and Dancers
The special drops are colorful, and neat. The chorus consists of six dancers, three of each sex.
Stone and Lear
Subers and Keefe
They close on a Hula Hula dance.
Nokofru Trio
The act was six minutes long. Two men and a woman sing together.
Ray Anna
The act was eight minutes long. Ms. Anna’s style and makeup make her seem girlish. She sings several songs and plays the piano.
Joe Sherry
The act was nine minutes long. Mr. Sherry wears Ezra Kendall attire and sings a parody of a song and tells stories.
Sony and Swor
The act was twelve minutes long. One man dresses a a policeman while the other wears a rakish outfit. They sing and exchange “snappy” talk.