Darrell & Conway

Full stage, closing in one. 19 minutes. In their novel comedy, “Behind the scenes.” This act is doing fine. The comedy is good and the singing especially good. They make a number of quick changes and finish very strong. I consider the act very good value. (OPEN)

Klindt Bros.

Comedy acrobats. 8 minutes. Full stage. Garden. A very ordinary acrobatic act that I was forced to put in on account of the non-appearance of the Doric Comiques, who did not show up on Monday and we have never heard from them up to this time. The Klindt Bros. is a good act to keep away from. (OPEN)

Jessie Busley

In “Miss 318.” Special. 23 minutes. (Comedy of Department Store Life.) I think this is one of the acts that should be eliminated from vaudeville. I can see no merit in the piece. It is very much overdrawn and really insulting to the department store working girl. The company is very ordinary, including Miss Busley. I hope I will never play anything so bad again. (MEMPHIS)

Bert Cutler

Interior. 9 minutes. “The Yankee Billiardist.” This is a splendid opening act and capable of going down lower on the bill. Mr. Cutler does some truly wonderful billiard shots and has a line of patter, which, though a bit hackneyed, seemed to get over nicely. His manner is pleasing and his exhibition of billiard playing gained a lot of applause. (Syracuse)


Full stage. Garden. 12 minutes. In a European Sporting act. Miss Traney does a little juggling, also introduces a pony, cart and two dogs. It is a very attractive act and gets  considerable applause. However, it is just a little slow for closing. (BROOKLYN)

Florence Roberts and Co.

Interior. 20 minutes. “The Woman Intervenes.” One of the best sketches we have ever played and the work of Miss Roberts is really better than any legitimate star we have played. However, she is not known here and I am sure that she did not help our business any. (CLEVELAND)

Connolly and Wenrich

Olio. 24 minutes. Miss Connolly dresses the act very fine. Mr. Wenrich at the piano, playing the choruses of a number of his own composition, is a big hit. Their last song introducing the third member of the act, is a big hit, and they have taken a number of encores. I consider it a very good act. (CHICAGO)

Rawls and Von Kaufman

Full stage. 20 minutes. Interior, closing in one. This many is very funny comedian, The woman is not good, – just about gets by. The act went well for us – plenty of laughs, but I would no recommend it too far down on the bill. (PROVIDENCE)

Burns & Fulton

In Terpsichorean Classics. Special plush drops, 13 minutes. This is a very good dancing act and did very well for us. It is hardly fair to criticise them too severely for the reason that Mr. Burns was ill and compelled to lay off a performance.

Hilda Thomas and Lou Hale

Interior. 18 minutes. Singing. An eccentric sketch. I was agreeably surprised at this act. Hilda Thomas and Lou Hale both know how to out their act over. They went big at every performance.