‘The Handcuff King.’ From 20-40 minutes, depending entirely upon what is scheduled. This man gets out of the handcuffs very easily and has been responsible for a big week with us, but I would not imagine he would be worth anything to a bill unless he was helped to work his act up. It is necessary to boom [sic] him far in advance and to do many things that is not necessary with other feature acts. We were fortunate in getting some of the officials who were above suspicion to go on the stage from time to time and attempt to lock Mr. Houdini in straight jacket and handcuffs. In this way we were able to get a big week.
Comedy juggler, assisted by a young man who dresses as a girl. 12 minutes, full stage. This man attempted some wonderful tricks in juggling and was sometimes successful. He undoubtedly is the worst act that we have ever played, not being able to [sic] half of that which he attempts. We were compelled to move him three times on the bill. When we talked with him about his act the only thing we could get from him was ‘I will be all right in five or six days.’ I hope he is all right but we could not keep him long enough to find out.
12 minutes in 3. Interior. Comedy acrobatic act. This act is going very, very good with us. I suggested to Mr. Borani that he cut some of the talking, which he did, and which, I think, improved the act very much. He is getting as much applause as any act on the bill.
24 minutes, full stage, interior in ‘A Yankee’s Love for Dixie.’ I cannot say that I like their sketch. It is not near as good as the old act. The work of Mrs. Crane, however, it is very good as any I have ever heard. The act, however, is going very well owing to our having lots of comedy before and after.
15 minutes. Full stage, interior. ‘The Greatest of Jugglers.’ This is undoubtedly the best act of the kind I have ever seen. He has caused more talk in Pittsburgh than any act that has ever appeared in vaudeville here. Our business has been very big. Would like to play him a return this season. Would advise any one who has him booked to make him the headliner.
Refined musical act. 18 minutes, full stage. Can close in one. This act looks well and both are good musicians, yet there is so much sameness to the act that it does not go big with our patrons. If they were getting about $50.00 less they would be getting all the act is worth.
Piano playing, singing and some talking. 18 minutes, full stage. The act is not a good one. The piano playing of Mr. Crawford is the worst I ever saw and I have never seen any one on the stage who acted as much like an amateur. He wore his street clothes on the stage which, by the way, were not good. I feel sure that if Crawford had a partner who could do something he would be able to put a good act together but as the act stands now, I would not care to recommend it to any one at any figure.
20 min. Street in one in their acrobatic novelty “Play ball” introducing a little acrobatic work and travesty on a ball game, which I consider very funny. It is going big with us.
In a one act musical fantasy entitled “Thebe”. Open full stage-2 special sets. There are ten people in this act, nine girls and Mr. Rock, whose singing is only fair. Mr. Rock came to us with a lot of black drapery which he used in his first number, which leadsone to their they are going to do black art. After the first performance I asked Mr. Rock is reason for having the drapery and he could not show me any. We cut it out and I think it helped the act considerable. They are not worth the money and will just get by, surrounded by a good bill.
Singing comedienne. 10 min. Olio in one. Miss Falke is going fully as big with us this week as during former engagements, which was very good.