four-in-hand tie
a splendid dance at the finish
singing her first number in a drawing room setting arranged appropriately for the number
The spotlight is used here to good effect.
Composed of three large men. The heavy man got laughs through his size and grotesque makeup.
Worked by a man, woman and a boy. A tripod with a plaster woman’s head and shoulders are shown. Flesh colour is added, and undergarment placed on and a large dress thrown on the whole thing. A wig is placed on with the hair covering the face. It is turned away from the audience and when turned back walks to the footlights and thanks the audience.
“The Human Top” The main thing he does is a whirling dance, which lasts too long. Has flags thrown at him while he whirls.
The man plays a drunk. The comedy came from the woman, a husky giantess and the supposed wife of the inebriate, throwing the husband around the stage.