In a comedy sketch, “The Home Breaker”. Three women, two men. This act seemed to drag along and was apparent that the audience was only fairly interested in the saga during a good part of the time. There were some good laughs, however, and the finish was really very good, in the finish of the act struck me as about the best part of it. It was not a failure by any means but could only honestly term it a fair success. Was really disappointed in it, having heard in advance that it was something unusually good. The participants all worked hard and apparently left nothing undone to make it go. C.D.F., 20 minutes.
“The Man in Green”. Works in black face and gave a number of songs and talk, all of which went very well. Finished only moderately strong. 18 minutes, street in 1.
Man and woman in the “Clown and the Human Doll”. This a sort of a Phoroso act and the work of the human doll was very favorably received. The clown was satisfactory and the act seemed to make quite a favorable impression. Finished fairly strong. C.D.F. in 3, 17 minutes.
In “The Suit Case”. Two women, one man, two boys. This set is quick and lively, on the Georgia Cohan style of construction, having an abundance of action and plenty of laughter. It moves very rapidly and held the attention of the audience throughout. There is sufficient plot to the sketch to keep the interest up and it went very well throughout. They do a finish in one in which four of the members of the company do some dancing and singing. While far fetched this finish is very good for the set and they left the stage amidst liberal and genuine applause. The set is very good. Open C.D.F., close in 1—22 minutes.
“The Jovial Jester”. He has a repertoire of songs and talk all of which went unusually well, and up to this point he was as big, if not a bigger hit than anything on the bill. Made an excellent impression and finished unmistakably well. 21 minutes, street in 1.
Singers and dancers. Two rather clever young girls who introduce a number of songs with costume change for each. Their work was fairly good and the went moderately well. 11 minutes, olio in 1.
A number of very well trained Fox Terriers, man doing acrobatic work, women assisting. Very pretty little act which went fairly well. Garden in 4, 9 minutes.
A hodge podge variety act by man and woman that has some good spots and some bad ones. The man does nothing of moment except to play the cornet and Swiss bells. He springs a lot of comedy leg contortion work that really does not strike home for the reason that it is entirely unlooked for from a man of his general appearance. The woman does some impersonations that are very good excepting the finish in one where she appears as the Rube girl. This portion of her work did not take especially well and I attribute the lack of interest to the fact that she assumes a makeup which instead of being humorous is almost hideous. The act went passably well however and got by. 19 minutes. C.D.F.