Tinkham’s Death Cage
Haight, Dean and Co.
Archonrs Four
Noodles Fagan
Bohemian Trio
Jennie Ward
Adeline Francis
The act was nine minutes long.
Adeline Francis calls herself “The Graphophone Girl” and performs with the help of her phonograph which she calls “sister.” Before she begins, she notes that the records she will play were made by recording herself in different voices. Miss Francis then begins a conversation “with” the machine, which is perfectly timed. She also sings.
Williams, Ottoman, and Co.
This farcical sketch was twenty-four minutes long.
Three women and three men who are all good looking play a farce with many entrances and exits. At one point in the sketch, the men drink poison one at a time. It is soon revealed to be a sleeping powder administered by the women, rather than a deadly poison.
Joyce and Donnelly
Joyce and Donelly appear to be two high school students who do impressions. They do not announce who they are imitating, however, which makes the act confusing.