The act was fourteen minutes long. “The woman looks nice and sings with ease and naturalness. she has a high range. The man’s voice is deep and resonant.”
The act was six minutes long. The ring act was performed by two men dressed in white flannel pants, and gymnasium shots with black trimmings. Their act is very fast.
The act was fourteen minutes long. A plump girl in a white dress plays the violin while a woman plays the piano.
Both dancers wear frock coats, siik hats. They perform Moon and Harris style of dancing.
The act was sixteen minutes long. Lovett enters singing while Foster plays the drums. Mr. Foster is in comedy dress.
The act was nineteen minutes long. Miss Butler has a quartet of six-foot men. They are a “well drilled”.
The full stage is used and the set is the entrance of a tunnel on an English railway.
“A young chap of the chorus man type and an attractive young woman do only fairly with a singing and dancing specialty.” They show dancing experience. They are nervous singers.
The act was twenty minutes long. Two monkeys perform tricks such as riding a bicycle, roller skating, and eating. The setting is a forest with a small house labeled “Cafe de Monk”. A cat falls into a well; one monkey rings a bell while the other turns a crank to bring the cat back up.