Della Fox

Should stop exhaling cigarette smoke in blase fashion and wearing a regulation female outfit. Miss Fox would do better with male attire.

Gus Edwards

His laboured imitation of his elders did not strike many as funny.

Three Zolars

Two men and a woman. The woman wears a page suit and helps by carrying a parasol and wrap off the stage and bringing a tray with two cups of water to give the impression the men are in a cafe garden. The perform a number of hand to hand tricks.

Max Welson Troupe

Spanish ring work employing rope grips instead of metal rings. Have a number of smart tricks with clean cut neatness. Four men are employed and all work, the act is not padded with apprentices. In one trick one man carries the others from the stage. all doing handstands.

Mascart’s Monkeys

One of the comedian monkeys does his best to break up the show. The Barber shop is so poor it should be left out until further developed.

The Orpheus Comedy Four

Work hard and to good effect. They have a special drop with a tableau frame for one song. “Should make further improvment by causing the Buster Brown to keep his trousers to the knee. He seems to feel he is favoring the audience by making them into trunks. His legs are not in the Frankie Bailey class and he should be taken over into a corner and talked to.”

Horace Goldin

Works so rapidly that five assistants are required. Fits two hours worth of entertainment into half an hour. Shows great improvement in every way. No longer replicates tricks with slight changes. The feature is firing a woman from a cannon into a nest of trunks above the audience. Does the plant and pot trick with deftness. One trick was badly done with a car being lowered before the curtains hiding the woman who is made to dissapear are closed.

Thorne and Carleton

Miss Carleton should give thought to new makeup. The fashion in which she applies in and dresses her hair results in a hideous appearance. Adds fifteen years to her appearance with her hair alone.

Edmund Day

Has special scenery to show the Arizona way station but lets his support, Miss Winston wear a dress better suited to afternoon tea than a shack station. She also unrealistically abandons her station. George Fisher is just as bad an actor and the two of them spoil the show.