Six men and two boys. One of the boys is quite young and is used as a “flier.” Most of the acrobatics are accomplished though pedal work. There are some good tumblers. The dressing is in white and could be improved with some color trunks.
“His 6 Winning Widows.” Has three new girls, the prettiest of which is “Saturday.” He has dressed the women well and has an orchestra leader of his own.
Can gulp down a glass of stage whiskey without even a blink, which he did three times.
Still seems to think that the exhibition of her undergarments in the hands of the maid is funny.This indeicency is dragged on without reason.
Had a few changes, most notable at the open.
Seeks to create the impression that she is an impersonator. The ventriloquial finale is credited to Vernon but should not be credited to anyone.
The only male impersonator that looks like a boy. Good costumes and she wears a wig that looks very realistic.
Works so rapidly that the audience has trouble keeping pace. Improvment of Jeanne Fransiolo’s appearance with a wreath of golden hair. She has developed a real stage presence.