assuming all characters without change of costume, depending for comedy in the main upon hats.
Involve four people, three of them women. The head and hand balancing is well done. Look well on the stage.
Billed as “The Musical Clown.” Had a very funny bit involving an unseen bird and a cart load of dummy cats.
Still wearing soiled white outfits.
Frenchily dressed.
Four or five animals in the troupe. A comedy dog resembling an Irish Terrier is the feature. No slips, coaxing or delays. Closes with an imitation of a drunken man. Two monkeys dressed as policemen bundle the drunk into a wagon. The trainer is not seen for this stunt.
“A company of fourteen colored persons” Well developed shoulders and arms. Military musical. The act opens with the company lined up behind the backdrop. The curtain goes up to reveal their military uniforms and that four of the company are women. Effort is made to give it a spectacular flavour. Eleven bass drums ranging in size are carried on the the stage. The comedian takes part in a dance with the four girls.
Does a song and dance for the final number.