Lewis and Green

Start the act with one member of the team in the audience.

Christy and Willis

Poor toe dancing and tramp juggling. The man needs to make radical changes to his makeup. “The day of the tramp with filthy clothing has passed. Has some good ideas but works carelessly.

Jack and Bertha Rich

Billed as “High-class Singers, Conversationalists and Dancers.” They dance well


The woman are not active. They are compared to automatons

Al Reeves Big Beauty Show

girls are well dressed in costumes “that have a new appearance”. But the colors are not blended well and “the present combination” makes some of the girls “look grotesque”. The girls are “much better looking at long range than close at hand, and all seem quite youthful from the front.”

Nelson-Farnum Co.

a girl does 11 consecutive handsprings on a table. 30 years ago they used to do 60 “in as many seconds” without stop.