The big act on the
bin was the new offering of Rowland and
Howard’s “Honeymoon Isle/’ three male and
one female principals, with six chorus girls.
The act has a pretentious stage setting, and the
costuming Is highly satisfactory. Aside from
the harmonizing of the three men they have
nothing else to do.
Harry Holman and Co. in “The Merchant’s Daughter”
a piece that preceded “Adam Killjoy”
some time ago—was capitally presented by
the original Harry and a capable supporting
company. The young woman, playing the
daughter, showed unusual ability. The skit
was a laughing hit all the way, Holman Injecting many new Holmanisms Into the running.
Tramp makeup and slapstick comedy.
Juggling and wire walking.
Colourful spotlights.