“Blackmail” played by Phyllis Gilmore and a cast of two, man and woman furnishes decidedly pleasant entertainment. It’s a mixture of ‘melodrama and comedy, well constructed, away from the conventional in theme… Miss Gilmore, a personable blonde, with an enunciation so unusually clear that the slight tendency to staginess in her reading of lines is readily forgiven, steps out in “one” preceding the playlet proper and delivers a rhymed prolog.
16 Mins.
Albemarle, Brooklyn
Miss Earl enters and following a brief Introductory, in which she mentions her former act and tells of what she will do in her present turn, she sings the Jewel song from “Faust.” This is sung in French, splendidly phrased and delivered, and marked with a sense of musical expression that makes the number delightful to listen to. A short bit of rhyme precedes her next number, “I Hear You Calling Me,” which is pianologed in part, orchestral accompaniment being used for the latter portion of the song. This number is also delivered with a keen perception of values… Miss Earl was very well received at the Albemarle, where audiences, through their scarcity of numbers are more or less cold. “Speeches” are few and far between over here, but Miss Earle received sufficient applause at the conclusion of her specialty to justify one in which she said the act was but a week old.
12 Mins.; Full Stage (Special Set).
Chief Blue Cloud is an Indian, from appearances a full blooded one, although speaking flawless English. He is assisted by a slender young woman, who like the chief, wears Indian garb throughout the act. A special landscape set, consisting of several hanging pieces, with a full-fledged tepee set to the right, makes an atmospheric back- ground for the specialties offered. Following a song by the woman, the chief does a routine with the lariat, handling it dexterously. Brief cross fire, leading up to another vocal number by woman, in which she introduces several extremely high notes, with the tones coming out clear and round… The chiefs roping and music, and the woman’s tuneful soprano make a combination of entertainment that certifies the turn for the pop houses, with the fact of the man being an Indian giving an added novelty value to the act. Opening the show at the Albermarle, they went over very well.