Her Henpecked Husband

The sight of Edwin Arden dancing a sailor’s horn-pipe, wearing a woman’s hat and acting foolish in general for the sake of “art” in vaudeville will be displeasing to those remembering Mr. Arden in more serious efforts where buffoonery was not required.

In Morocco

“Princess Lalla,” who might make a good Oriental dancer if the character of the house would permit her to, is featured. Her dance under a spot light of changing colors was a rather tame affair, particularly to the upstairs boys, who had seen te same sort of thing done more to their taste at Coney

The Unexpected Happened

The men hide her behind a screen and while Mrs. Dobbins treats the family to a curtain lecture upon their dilapidated appearance she apears above the hiding place.

Genarro’s Gondolier Band

Newly costumed and slightly augmented it now makes a new bid with a Venetian setting of canals, moonlight effects and gondoliers.

Big City Quartet

All four men use comedy makeup. Robert J. Webb, first tenor, and Geoffrey O’Hara, baritone, work in blackface, the former as a “mammy,” and the first and second basses as stranded and hungry actors.

The Sunny South

It is a pretty scenic production with a good negro atmosphere.