Kaufman Troupe

One of the girls does solo work almost equaling Minnie Kaufman, the former female star of the act. The triplet riding by one of the boys is good although the machine is small in size.


No special setting is given. The dummies are not entising in looks.

Maude Lambert

Billed as the “late prima donna” of “The White Cat” company. With a Grecian mold of countenace, she presents a superb figure on the stage.

Hope Booth

The same newspaper office set as “Her Only Way,” but instead of a reporter there is a dramtic critic, stenographer and a boy. Miss Booth plays the author of a play and applies to be a stenographer. She plots to have the critic write a review of the play before seeing it. Charles Deland plays Horatio Hammer, the critic, and Harry Pilcer, the office boy.

Kitty Gordon

A bare stage act showing a rehearsal. There are six young women and W.Newman the stage manager. All the tardy girls arrive with excuses and exit to change. Miss Gordon is last to arrive but removes her street clothes behind a screen on stage. The girls are not lively or good looking. Miss Gordon is fair but icy, and does not thaw. Her costume in the finale is tights. Entwined flags of two nations are lowered near the end in a vain attempt to secure applause.


A slenderly built woman who releases herself from steel manacles and wristlets with the same ease as Houdini.

Yvette Guilbert

Employs a wonderfully mobile face and every gesture has meaning.


Five in number, a woman, three men and a girl, and suggest the Agoust family. They dress in Pierrot costumes with the exception of one woman who skirts and voluminous and ugly undersdressing. They work in a resturant scene with good tricks. One involves nine soup plates which are thrown through the line of the troupe in an endless loop. This should replace the plate catching trick which is the finale. Two good billard cue tricks and some juggling with restaurant furnishings.

Electric Crickets

Cotton tights are worn. Heavier batteries should be carried to permit the use of more lights and the drop with the battleship should not be shown.