Selma Braatz

Selma Braatz acquitted herself splendidly, working quickly and cleanly, going through the routine of juggling without a miss.

George B. Reno and Company

The midget is still retained; also the fat man (not the same as when last seen). A tall, thin man has been added, and a good-looking woman sings and dances acceptably.

The Brothers Byrne

They have cut the act a few minutes, adding a trick with the travesty horse, and the knockabout comedy went with a whoop.

“The Hazardous Globe”

“The Hazardous Globe” contains a 500- volt thrill. The final feat of “loopthe- loop” riding inside the globe is splendidly worked up and the combination of the dizzy riding and the noise of the motor makes one instinctively hold fast to his chair.