Belgium Hercules. It is a pity to open the show with this set. Strong enough for a feature in a small house. Most all his work is clear-cut and they appreciated every stunt. Big applause on the finish. 10 min.-full stage
Van Cleve impersonates the negro, Harry Wentworth, the Dutchman, and “Pete,” the mule. Act made a big hit with the children. Van Cleve’s bareback riding caught the crowd. Hit of the show up to this time. 12 min.- full stage
2 men, One working straight and the other eccentric, blackface, in a musical sketch, entitled:- “Finding a Partner” Armstrong is quite a clever pianist. Both their voices are good. Received some few laughs for the comedy. Alright for an opener. 22 min.-full stage closed in one about 5 min.
Eight women. Scene first:-“The Officer’s Quarters,” showing the girls as soldiers, singing, marching, etc. Scene 2;-“ the Purple Palace”, with the grenadiers juggling batons, singing, etc. Scene 3;-“Art Nouveau-Les Cymbals”, with the girls singing and playing the cymbals. Finale;-“The Musician Directeurs Excentrique.” Between the various setting Mlle. Flor D’Allias and Miss Meredith Meredro singing alternately. Act is handsomely staged. The costumes are gorgeous with all elegant scenery. Girls make five changes. Their appearances are elegant and their voices good. Act has an atmosphere of novelty to it. Brings up the tone of the bill being so far from anything else we ever had. All of the various characters were applauded and with big applause on the finish. 27 min
2 men and 3 boys. Acrobats and Equilibrists. They use their own embroidered drop, not quite as handsome as the one used by the Kitamura’s. Act consists of acrobatic equilibristio work. Their boys proved popular from the start-off. Their work is excellent. Applause hit for the show up to this time.
Act consists of Bears, Monkeys, Dogs, and a trained Ant-Eater. Animals are very well trained and do some stunts, which are far from the ordinary, especially that of the ant-eater riding the globe; the monkey’s jump from the top of the proscieum arch; the bear playing the banjo, waltzing, etc. Big applause on the finish. 14 min.-full stage
Opened in two showing the company “making-up” in a canopy, each girl singing to the various characters, as “Wild Man of Borneo”, “The Bearded Lady”, “The Living Skeleton”, “The Albino Princess”, “The White-eye Kaffir,” “The Dog-faced Boy.” Next scene in one with Harry Pilcer singing an appropriate song. Scene three, shows the exterior of a side-show, introducing the various novel characters, such as “three-legged sailor girls”, which created some few giggles; “the giants”, which is quite novel and got some few laughs. Next scene in two showing the view of the ocean with Harry Pilcer and dot Williams singing a song relative to the bathing-suit girls. The suits are inflated creating first a murmur and some giggles, and some laughs and finished on a roar. While the act was not a sensation, it pleased. The novelty is worth the money I am paying for it. 25 min
This man has an entirely new line of material. The crowed did not seem to “catch on.” His songs, however, made him quite a favorite, especially that of “I’m Sorry” and “Insanity.” He negotiated this spot in fairly good shape and finished to good applause. 22 min.
Burlesque strong men. Received some little advance applause. All of their various burlesque feats of strength was laughed at and applauded. Finished to big applause. 13 min.- open in one about 1 min.- closed full stage
Received some advance applause. They do a lot of nonsense, but it certainly pleased. The Jury laughed at everything. 17 min.-full stage-closed in one about 5 min