Willard’s “Temple of Music.”

The music runs very much to mechanical freak arrangements, oddity of effects being aimed at rather than melody. Several of the instruments employ devices like bamboo chimes, and get their only novelty from the fact that they are worked by three or four players. There are six people in the company. The stage is set with a formidable array of paraphernalia, piled high at the back, on both sides and almost down to the footlights. The "Monster Music Saw Mill" is an arrangement of eight or ten circular saws all revolving on a single motor-driven shaft. Music is extracted by holding bits of metal against the teeth of the saws. It is rather a novelty. Another freak arrangement was a set of lighted lamps across the tops of which four girls drew bass viol bows.
"The Most Stupendous Musical Act of the Day, Including the Monster Music Saw Mill," is the program description,
Variety 13:2 (12/19/1908)