the best bit was at the opening of the burlesque,
where Carrol Henry and Harry McAvoy, the principal comedians, were concerned
in a first-rate exchange of talk. Carrol Henry was lost in a "cissy" part
during the opening piece. Mildred Veola usee a
particularly unwholesome make-up that
injure* her appearance, and wears some
extremely flashy dresnes. Nellie Francis
is an offender in the same direction, but
her singing contributed a good deal to the
show. Adeline DeNette waa cast aa soubrette,
but she did not work at it conspicuously. Mile. La Toska opened with
a simple contortion turn, followed by the
DeNette Sisters in a conventional song
and dance specialty. Henry and Francis
gave their talking and singing arrangement. Riley and Winters put over the hit of
the show in a dancing routing toward the
finish of a talking and singing turn.
In personnel, equipment and material
"The Thoroughbreds" is behind the times.
It is a straightaway old-fashioned burlesque
entertainment, extremely broad in
dialog and rough in its comedy.
Variety 13:3 (12/26/1908)