The Paris Fashion Ship

Dressing of models.
Comedy and dialogue.
The dialog and comedy are only a secondary consideration, the dressing of two live models by one of the men being the stunt that sent the act over to big applause and bows. The man, doing the French modiste, in quick succession, ease and style, drapes a dresses loose dress material on the women in the most approved shapes, the modes including stylish pannier, pantaloon, evening gowns and a wedding outfit of charmeuse. The act has some chic suggestive patter that was very well received in the Academy neighborhood. In fact the act seems to be built for such a neighborhood, long accustomed to the crash of burlesque. This fashion shop offering with prove a novelty anywhere and in the pop houses of the big cities is surefire.
Variety, 40:7 (10/15/1915)