The Nightingales

Mozelle, who came into the olio with a dancing specialty padded out with posings and colored lights, led a dance involving the whole chorus. There seemed no good reason wy there should not have been a song to go with it. The four Sisters Leigh have a picturesque dancing and singing act with pretty dressing and a newest costume scheme. The stage shows a scene in Holland with a profile wind mill and the four girls dressed in the Dutch costume.
"My Dusky Rose," with the girls in pretty pink dresses, made an excellent number. Bertha Sherwood, who led it, according to the bills, has a splendid "coon shouting" voice. It is low in pitch and ample enough in volume to dominate te fourteen who back the number up.
The tenor of the York Comedy Four apeared to be suffering from a cold. The harmony of the quartet was agreeable otherwise, and the comedy not overdone.
The opener "Hello" sprawls over forty-five minutes or so without action or purpose, ecept the ad lib business of Richy Craig and James A. Welch as the Dutchman and Irishman, respectively. Thi might be divided into three parts: A lot of minstrel talk by the two after the style of Thatcher and Ernest; a lot of burlesque involving a trick satchel and a whole sea of talk built up about a burlesque telephone booth. Craig and Frank Thorndike have a quantity of very mussy business and talk in the burlesque Some grewsome talk by Tom O'Brien and a lot of dialogue and business by Fred Russell and Frank DeGroot won laughs.
The "Nightingales" show has been patched up and burnished in many places to its great improvement, but there is still room for further betterment. The first piece and burlesque seem to have been rewritten, at least in part, and the vaudeville features are introdiced in an olio instead of being of the season. The makeup of the organization is substantially the same.
Variety 3:4 (03/23/1907)