The Leading Lady

The choisters appear from the darkened stage one after the other, their faces alone being illuminated in the centre of a picture frame. The stage setting is neat and tasteful. Miss Haney is well provided with fine feathers.
B.A. Rolfe's Company attempts a pretentious act in this newest production described as a "tabloid musical comedy" - "The Leading Lady." It is starring Marguerite Haney (the only person in it with a voice), Ralph Lynn and Ed. Coleman (painfully English and the comedy is in their hands.)
Another number that the Bronx audience took to kindly was a football song, the girls and Miss Haney appearing in jerseys and short skirts and kicking footballs into the audience. The audience made no demonstration during the act, but the applause at the finish was of good volume.
B. A. Rolfe succeeds only fairly well on both the "comedy" and "musical" counts. Some of the dialog is almost tiresome.
Variety 17:5 (01/08/1910)