The Four Norins

Fancy swimming and dancing. These people have an act that ought to prove a positive sensation in vaudeville. The argument may be raised that swimming acts are becoming rather chestnutty but here is one that is away beyond all others, and, in my opinion, is the greatest novelty act in vaudeville at the present time. Two men and two women go through a series of fancy dives, some of them almost hair-raising in their execution, that held the audience spellbound today and created more talk than any act we have ever put over in this house. One of the girls does some of the most wonderful diving I have ever seen. The girls are not beauties but they sure can dive. A little subdued comedy is introduced by one of the men that gets some laughs. At the present time the Norins are carrying an equipment of scenery that the artist must have charged by the foot and slapped in all the extras he could. As a result the scenery was altogether too large for our stage and caused a bad wait before we could get the act started this afternoon. On a big stage the scenery, with its cyclorama, its leg drops, the waterfall effect and the other accessories will serve to make this one of the most attractively staged swimming and diving acts in the business. Own set in 4. Time 18 min.
University of Iowa, Keith-Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 13 June 1910-20 February 1911