Rose Hill

"English Folly". "My Southern Rose" brings out the best costumed and prettiest number of the evening. "Love and Temptation," a sort of a "Salome" affair, follows the specialties and closes the show. Featuring John E. Cain, T.F. Thomas, Idylia Vyner, Nina York, Hanriette Wheeler, Blanche Newcombe (who sang "Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself, but Leave His Wife Alone"), Mlle. Beatrice, Pasquale Mario, Brownie Carroll. Joe Van, George F. Britt and Ernest Van make a trio of straight men that has not been equaled in burlesque. George Britt leads several numbers in a peculiarly pleasing high tenor. James Bogard did very little with the broken down legit.
The principals make the present vehicle entertaining and the extremely large house at the Olympic Friday night showed appreciation.
Variety 16:2 (09/18/1909)